Gift of Light


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Peace of Lord Jesus!

Sisters, as disciples of Master Ramatis/Pythagoras, we stand here to thank you for the Book: Gift of Light bringing his messages.

In our Community, very happy, we celebrate his lessons of encouragement, warning and trust able to modify the attentive reader who observes in the implied sense the wisdom contained in each page.

Then, the Servant of Light gets strength necessary, lenitive and comfort to face the difficult moments.

Thank you, sisters, especially the Leader for sending us words of wisdom from Master Ramatis.

With love and joy we serve the Master.

Peace and Light to you!

Heitor, disciple of Ramatis when was Pythagoras

GESH - 06/04/10 - Vitoria/ES - Brazil.

Note: Gift of Light refers to the new book: Messages by Master Ramatis

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