Jesus knocks at your door!


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May Peace of Our Lord Jesus be with you!

Brothers, Jesus knocks at your door! Open it, so that the Divine Light may enter your home!

Through the streets, the hungry and disoriented beings wander; orphans cry out for affection, the sick ones beg for support.

Jesus knocks at your door, calling you to help the platoon of desperate people flooding the alleys of the cities.

Open the door to the Divine Master. He wants to enter your home, bringing Peace, Charity and fraternity!

Listen to the cries of the children of ignorance and abandonment! They need your fraternal help, so that, in their hearts, hope, like a lamp, may radiate Light.

Jesus knocks at your door!

Stretch out your hands, cover the naked bodies, feed those who are hungry, distribute water of hope, fraternity, compassion and love, so that Jesus, entering your home, may flood your bodies with Light.

May Peace of Jesus be with you!

Sister Dulce is with you.


Sister Dulce

GESH – 12/15/2023 – Vitoria, ES – Brazil

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