Wake up and make progress!


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Hail the Force!

Hail the Light!

Hail the Divine Master Jesus!

The struggles on Earth are intensifying, and human beings are trying to use nuclear weapons to exterminate the enemy.

They are guided by pride and arrogance of power!

They believe to have control over the human peoples, possession of territories and riches!

Never, in their minds, they allow a glimpse of Light to penetrate. They completely forget the transience of material life and that their physical bodies, forged in the millennia that have gone are transitory and perishable.

Poor creatures who did not take advantage of the opportunities to develop peace and fraternity in their hearts! They dragged themselves from life to life, building castles with foundations on quicksand, and will find, at the end of this planetary cycle, painful exile.

Only those who have evil in their hearts will succumb to evil!

Death is not a punishment; it is the end of a transitory stage that frees the eternal soul to follow the infinite path of progress.

Wake up, earthly brothers!

Your insignificant forces mean nothing before the Creative Laws of Life!

Cease wars!

Destroy weapons!

Build Fraternity, Love and Peace!

Fictitious borders, one by one, will be torn down by the force of planetary transformation and your illusory power will be like forgotten ruins in the future.

We are one group of servants of God! We serve Him, under the command of the Distinguished Jesus and we call upon the earthly people to free themselves from the illusory bonds of matter and advance in the enlightened path of progress of the eternal soul.

Love! Forgive!

Do others as you would have them to do you!

Love God above all things in compliance with His Laws!

This is the path to redemption!

We came from space and in the name of God to help you.

Wake up and make progress!

Wars are fought on the invisible planes, against evil, and those who, on the physical plane, give free rein to their perverse instincts in tune with the beings who have strayed from the Laws of God, who lead them from the invisible, leave in groups for new primitive dwellings.

Forward, Warriors of Light, in the planetary cleansing, for the New Earth is approaching!

Have faith, love and serve the Father selflessly.

The Planetary Transition advances and there will be no stone left standing on the planet in turmoil.

Peace in all planetary quadrants!

Peace also, in your hearts!

I say good bye!


Commander Ashtar Sheran

GESH – 12/15/2023 – Vitoria, ES – Brazil

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