Blessed Jesus!
It is up to the diligent disciple to serve!
Serve with love, dedication and responsibility, fulfilling the tasks you committed to before sinking into oblivion.
Bringing revelations to humanity has never been an easy task for any disciple. Even Jesus, the Great Avatar, a Being of Supreme Beauty and Light, found himself a prisoner of human ignorance and violently murdered, in a hurry, as if such an act prevented the Divine Light from expanding throughout the entire terrestrial globe.
Brothers, working in the field of love requires renunciation and sacrifice from the disciple, true transformation in the practice of the Gospel of Christ.
Sincere and devoted workers are scarce. However, those who remain in their positions of struggle and service, facing the storms of their own karma and fulfilling the determinations of the Highest are led by the Forces of Good that support them, protecting and lovingly guiding them to fulfill the tasks to which they are bound still in space.
The further humanity's purification process advances, the more difficulties the Servants of God encounter in carrying out their work, as perverse beings, with more freedom in coexistence with the incarnate, seek all means to interrupt the steps of those who wish to evolve. However, he, who has already sedimented the Divine Light in his heart, seeking to expand it beyond the limits of his body, will achieve the victory of Light over Darkness.
Spread throughout the Earth, the Nuclei of Light struggle to continue fulfilling their commitment to spread the Truths of God's Laws to humanity's brothers. And, even insulted and stoned, they do not retreat a single millimeter from their ideals, so that the truth reaches hearts prepared to receive it. And the Truth is the Love of God towards His creatures, His beloved children.
God's Laws guide life! And the foundation of the soul is the love of God!
Without struggles and sacrifices, the spirit cannot achieve victory, because at this stage of the planetary experience of atonement and trials, the soul needs to gather extraordinary forces to break the density of the environment in which it lives and follow the Light in front of it, to reach higher dimensions. of darkness.
Brothers, you are not alone in the struggle of life! Christ lovingly watches over you and sends His emissaries to lead and support you in your liberating struggles. Do not let your guard down, allowing darkness to invade your hearts.
Repudiate evil in the practice of good, in the constant exercise of the Gospel of Jesus! This is the path of redemption.
Shadows flood humanity with war, violence and evil. Human actions allowed the harassment of dark forces to expand the “reign of the Beast”, however, beloved brothers, only those who allowed evil to petrify in their hearts, find themselves dragged by darkness.
Cast a thought towards the Creator in sincere supplication, so that you may have strength and courage to develop faith and trust in the Designs of the Creator Father and face earthly struggles, achieving the victory of spirit over matter.
All earthly inhabitants wherever they are, on the physical or spiritual plane, suffer, at this time, the selection predicted by Jesus for the advent of the Apocalypse.
Have faith and trust in the friendly protection of the Hosts of Light that accompany you closely, seeking to expand, in minds and hearts, faith, love, courage to love and forgive others and follow with Jesus to the Kingdom of the Father.
We are with you with a group of workers of the Army of Christ and our commitment is to lead them safely to the Regenerated Land.
Serving Christ, loving God and others, this is the path to redemption.
Paul is with you.
Blessed Jesus!
Paul of Tarsus
GESH – 11/10/2023 – Vitoria, ES – Brazil