The Planet is Fragile


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Peace always, amen! Thus has taught Jesus.

And he also has taught us: love, charity, solidarity, kindness, indulgence and pardon for all sons and daughters.

And which is the human behavior before the least nuisance or insult? Rage, aggression, intolerance... thus the man reacts when is threatened. And with these hostile feelings feed the dark creatures, commanded by bestial incentives, generating the bloody wars with all their power warlike, using the pride and exacerbated vanity of insane rulers dominated by the Beast.

The approach of its number , 666 (06/06/06) in the calendar, makes to vibrate the dark energy peculiar and as intense as happens with eletric energy. Its armies increases at costs of whom choose its side, the wide door or the whole world illusory of the matter.

The darkness have by all means enslaved imprudent embodied brothers that create and live within of true sceneries of mundane beauty, full of means and material comfort. Though, as subtle baits, because can be surprised and arrested "to the magnetic nets of darkness" from where don´t get loose anymore.

They try also drive you during the sleep, through miraculous assemblies, to tempting objectives and fascinating dreams. Like this, they are going winning time and space in your material and spiritual lives, putting you farer of the objective to which you came: to develop spiritually.

Don´t doubt brothers! The planet Earth is so fragil as a crystal ball crunched, and quite shaky seismally.

Its support for balance and maintenance of life has been supplied by Extra and Intraterrestrial brothers with aval of Christ.

Anything else, at meantime, it can be drifted. Time urges.

Keep on modest life and without luxuries, in Christ´s spiritual work, helping the neighbor, always doing what you´d like he did for you.

Peace on all the quadrants.


GESJ - 04/04/06 - Public Meeting - Vitoria/ES - Brazil

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