INITIAL WORDS ................................................ ......................................................... GESJ
01. You who have to clean up your dirt.................................................... Master Ramatis
02. The being rises in actions and not in intentions........................................... Emmanuel
03. Make your life as simple as possible............................................................... Nefertiti
04. Instruct yourselves with the teachings received........................................... Emmanuel
05. You neither can escape from fights nor suffering….…………………….…… Master Ramatis
06. Your suffering is choice of yours....................................................... Master El Morya
07. Violence has never been a faithful educator....................................................... Artran
08. Through suffering, you find redemption............................................ Peter, the Apostle
09. For not to perish, the Earth needs to evolve............................................... Master Jesus
10. The Earth of the future is already in process........................................... ............ Ismael
11. Don't limit your work opportunities........................................................... Chico Xavier
12. We all can transcend the world of the matter.............................................. Melchizedek
13. Mothers, your prayers illuminate the world!........................................ Mary of Nazareth
14. Mother is the symbol of life................................................................. Mary of Nazareth
Office hour................................................. .................................................................. GESJ
Mediums (or channels): Edilza, Gisele and Marivania
Initial Words
Dear brothers!
May God bless you all, illuminating your hearts and expanding your mind! May the Light of the Masters penetrate every fiber of ours, propelling us to evolution!
Another Wesak festival!
Masters of the Universal Great White Fraternity granted us with another set of beautiful messages that, despite the pain and alerts, also brings the Father´s Love and Hope of better days.
Pray before starting to read them and take the occasion, transcending the matter and connecting directly to the Masters who, in a large effort, came down to Earth bringing feelings of love, fraternity, harmony and peace!
The initial messages, despite not having been received during the Wesak Festival, they are still unpublished, which themes also point to the alerts given by the Masters who visited us. Alerts that touch the world and directly reach our hearts and minds.
Let's not wait! Let's make it happen!
The renewal of the world begins in each one. Let's multiply our talents!
After the prayer, have happy reading!
These messages from 01 to 04 were received during our vigils and ordinary meetings, being separated for publication in this Divulgation.
Beloved disciples, may peace and goodness be in your hearts!
In the space, you prepared yourselves for this key incarnation that defines the course and destine of your souls connected to Planet Earth. The more the time advances, the more expiatory trials the humanity faces.
Laments, cries and gnashing of teeth are heard in the entire Planet Earth, echoing into space, touching the hearts of those who, from the High, approach the planet to help the humanity. Faith in God and in afterlife are little known by human beings.
There is a Divine Plan for every individual who receives the physical body or remains free in the Spiritual World. Guides, tutors and masters insistently help their pupils in search of the highest vibrations of harmony, peace, fraternity and love for others. However, passions and attachment to the earthly life remain in the soul, even when freed from the matter, keep large contingents of humankind delayed.
You who make up this tiny group have received training, as point of light in the dense earthly sphere. You received training and high knowledge so that you could reach maturity in this hour of planetary transformation and could help your brothers around you, attached to ignorance.
Why do you neglect your tasks? Why to postpone the encounter with the Divine Light?
Children of mine, Jesus is the ideal that you must reach. His example of sacrifice and renunciation is, for you, the example to be followed. He, who leads we all in tasks of enlightening to the humanity. He remains as Divine Sentinel, leading His rebellious flock along the paths toward the Kingdom of God.
The small tasks that you have undertaken, you must fulfill them with discipline and obedience, because you live in a world of troubles, without moral references, having abandoned the highest postulates of Masters, guides and tutors of the humanity, exchanging the values of the soul, future beatitudes, through fleeting material sensations. You are one of those who recognize love for others and love for God as a way of regeneration. This is neither time for doubt, fear nor dissension.
Individually, you must fulfill what the Law of Karma determines in the conduct of your existences. However, children of mine, keeping yourselves under the tutelage of Jesus will be the safe conduct to the Earth of regeneration. Do not doubt your capacity for service, for it will not be the angels who will clean your Earth, but those who have contaminated it and must clean it.
Go ahead serving Jesus and loving God, with arms and hands outstretched to the neediest of both planes of life. It will be this voluntary and anonymous service that will open the Portal of Light to you. The lights expanding from Master Jesus`s heart attract the beasts that want to extinguish them and seek the Servants of Jesus. You must face the Darkness with compassion, and with work in the Divine Vineyard. With you, follows a large contingent of Spirits of Light who wish to capture the greatest number of souls to Kingdom of God.
May the Peace be with you!
May Love flood your hearts! Go forward, fearless warriors, Servants of Jesus!
I am Ramatis here with you. My presence is always with you.
Blessed is Jesus!
Master Ramatis, 01/05/2022
02- The Person rises in actions, not in intentions.
Blessed is the Planetary Governor, Master and friend, Jesus of Nazareth!
The Planetary Transition, End Times, Doomsday, it does not matter the name or period through which the Earth cycle is known, it is not a divine punishment for human transgressions. It is the perfect adjustment and alignment of the Earth's structure, which prepares itself for the new phase of human evolution, of the planet and all beings that inhabit the terrestrial orb.
The Divine Accounting is perfect with calculations intensely prepared and adjusted, according to the Law of Action and Reaction, it reaches a perfect total of programmed beings in their births, in disincarnating, and in fulfillment of their karmas.
If there is an increase in pain, it is because of many beings during programming made for this life, when understood, that it is through difficulties and pain that a rebellious spirit evolves. They cannot see in vigils, the benefit received during epidemics or pandemics, thinking that Divinity is punishing them for rebellious actions of theirs.
However, it is in the drainage, in the encounters – not always happy – the creatures gradually adjust their physical, mental and spiritual balance.
We do not expect from humanity that clearly perceive the divine moment through which the Earth is undergoing. For this to occur, would be necessary detachment, practice of love for other, and respect for the planetary house.
Many caravans of rebellious spirits are coming to incarnate on Earth enjoying the last breath in its third dimension of pain and atonement. Perhaps, in contact with those who have been here for millennia, they create difficult encounters and unnecessary disagreements. But it is not for us to understand why the Sidereal Engineers provide these meetings. We can yes, see the saving hand offered for those who had not hope, since they lived in abysmal regions with their minds hypnotized by perverse commanders of Darkness.
A cleaning in the lower astral plane provides the opportunity to select those who have the least conditions to incarnate now on planet Earth, in the so-called compulsory reincarnations. Some, due to the precariousness in which their astral bodies are found – deformed, mistreated, atrophied – do not have long time to live after incarnated. But this process is the fruit of Divine Love, breathing hope into the hearts of these rebels. Others manage to advance in time. And, despite pain and spiritual delay, they keep advancing, since nothing is lost in the Creation.
Brothers, do not expect easy times!
Do not expect appeasement of violence!
Do not expect Christianized leaders, saviors of the homeland!
Expect that you shall work for the space you occupy. If you do so, out of love and respect, those in contact with Master Jesus and with Planet Earth will have already be benefited greatly from the moment they live in this Orb.
So do your part, no matter what others say.
Love and forgive! It is in actions the being evolves, not in its intentions.
Emanuel is among you.
May the Divine Light strengthen those who manage to break the barrier of delay in which they incarnated on Planet Earth.
Blessed is Jesus!
Emmanuel, 11/16/2021
03- Make your life as simple as possible.
Blessed is Master Jesus, who pour His love over the suffering humanity!
The Earth, undergoing transformations, is, gradually creating a favorable atmosphere for the “three days of darkness” to take place.
Times before, through messages addressed to this Group, it was said about the approach of the “three days of darkness”. There will have a specific moment to precede them, amidst of complete chaos in the material word.
For this reason, we suggest that all brothers and sisters of humanity prepare their aid kits, food reserve necessary and consistent with your needs, avoiding the superfluous.
Make your life as simple as possible, because when you open the doors after the three nights of anguish, pain and doubts, you will have to leave behind the organized society, the peaceful family environment, since you will find chaos, very different what you have experienced so far in your lives.
Faith must be strengthened with absolute trust in the Superior Forces, Masters, extraterrestrial and intraterrestrial brothers. Many human beings may feel the total absence of God in their hearts, because they will not find within themselves the strength able to sustain them in the face of difficulties, with an increase in suicides, murders and violence.
The Christian one already aware of the warnings are not exclusive to this House, but in the entire Planet Earth, those who know this message must put them into practice and not join the violent mob in search of food, water and self-defense.
The powerful ones will fall in disbelief, when see their domains to crumble, since they are on weak pillars and on unstable soils, forgetting that everything on Earth is ephemeral, a divine loan for the humanity´s spiritual progress.
For the moment, they take earthly power for themselves, forgetting that above them there is a Supreme Power commanding and directing everything.
The course, which the Earth is taking is not due to unforeseen changes and last minute adjustments. For millennia, this programming has been implemented. Master Jesus when created the Planet School and Prison, He already predicted that inferior spirits from the abysmal regions would come at the end of the planetary cycle.
If the human incarnate man changes himself strongly, the contact with these beings cannot interrupt his spiritual progress.
Prepare your backpacks, although we do not know the time when the three days of earthquakes will occur. Look at your society, when the social chaos and urban revolts begin to break out, closer will be the three days of darkness, which will be the first “enough” and, after then, the planetary transition will be completed on Planet Earth.
Although many brothers cannot understand it as Divine Mercy on Earth, bear in mind it as unique opportunity for transformation of all of you, men and women, incarnate or not.
Pay attention to the prophecies. The work offered by Master Ramatis will put you in touch with messages long forgotten that will revive, within you, the alerts that were dormant by the day to day life in society.
We remain with you in eternity, because love joins us and the preterit coexistence before antagonistic, today is fraternity, love and conciliation.
GESH - 03/26/2021 - Vitoria, ES – Brazil.
Note: Message taken from the book: Transition in progress – GESJ
Hail divine friend of all hours!
The earthly humanity undergoes the crucial moment of its key incarnation without managing to overcome the barrier of backwardness, ignorance and moral decay brought from other lives. Even treading in the spiritist field - which was elaborated by the dedication of evolved spirits that were here, in the midst of many denunciations and attacks - people are not managing to overcome the interference of the ego and vanity.
So, despite the great knowledge acquired, many spirits will not reach the vibratory level necessary for the evolutionary jump towards the graduation, so that the Planet Earth enter as a regenerating planet.
Although the pillars of the Spiritist Doctrine are well founded, there are personal interpretations corrupting their understanding. We can see it when a Master, like the brave Ramatis brings new knowledge and shakes the idealized world that the spiritist being itself created. Based on the interpretation given, a field is created in which there are veins of racial and social class prejudices, where often the humblest ones do not feel comfortable fulfilling their simple work. On the spiritual plane, it often occurs that simple spirits, such as the Umbanda´s workers introduce themselves for work, showing their knowledge and not being heard, since the prejudice and vanity prevail, not letting them to see in the simple words of Caboclo (half-breed), Old black man or Indian, the great wisdom they bring from long incarnations.
Where is the knowledge acquired life after life?
There is, in the spiritual world, a large number of spiritists experiencing conflicts, since what they understood about the doctrine is not what they see in spirituality, as well as the idealized world was not found after death.
Is it blame of the doctrinal concept? No! It is from the bandage they put on their eyes, for not understanding the clear and meaningful words of Allan Kardec, true spirit and of all workers who collaborated in the construction of the doctrinal postulates.
Brothers, you live in the physical world, but knowing that, in the immaterial world, the reality of who you are is clear than you can imagine.
The physical body hides a lot of who each one really is. Loosening the ties, in erraticity, the true SELF appears and, sometimes, shocking when finds a disaffected, or even those who thought they were friends, exposing who they really were.
We advise you to be honest with who you are. Do not be deceived or lie to yourself in what you must improve or change, since the reality will be harsh when you arrive in the spiritual world, when you see that you are not the enlightened beings you thought. Keep firm, without deceiving yourselves.
Why am I bringing these words?
Because of the end of an Age is coming. Much was given, but few ones took advantage of the teachings brought. They arrive at the spiritual plane blaming the friend, the leader, the guide, the doctrine, and so on, when, in fact, they only disguise who they are.
Spiritists, you are true holders of the spiritual reality! We need workers like you, with knowledge about the spiritual world, however, with very few we can count on.
Instruct yourselves with the teachings received to renew your souls, before going to a regenerated Earth.
Blessed is Jesus.
I am with you.,
Emmanuel, 10/30/2021
The following messages were transmitted to GESJ´s mediums during the vigil of the Wesak Festival this year at GESJ's main office.
Clairvoyance: I saw a huge Sun coming from Himalaya and then, it changed into other suns illuminating the whole Earth.
During Master Maitreya's speech, I symbolically saw Master Jesus on an illuminated path. Behind him were several people, which majority could not see Him; others saw and tried to follow Him, but could not walk in His direction, as if they were glued to the ground. Only Few people could follow Him.
Afterwards, I saw Buddha (Siddhartha) emitting countless rays of his pure Light to various directions on Earth, making himself present in many points of the planet by means incorporations and materializations, simultaneously. In the midst of these irradiations, I saw him illuminating Ishmael (Guide Angel of Brazil) and I also saw the borders of Brazil shining.
At last, I saw the monks descending down the sacred mountain and standing before the Masters of the Great Brotherhood of the East, in greeting for the Festival of Wesak celebration.
05- You neither can escape from fights nor suffering
May the Peace be with you, beloved disciples!
When I abandoned the physical body on Earth, some disciples gathered with me remained with the commitment to follow the earthly journey in the initiatory practice, offered by us. They built a temple with bricks made by themselves. However, not all of them managed to remain united until the end of the work and dispersed throughout the world. A small number remained finishing the building, brick by brick, at the same time cementing the true faith in their hearts. And, through the practice of the acquired knowledge, they sowed kindness and love among their fellow men.
In other times, my disciples built other temples, and again, a small number remained until the end of the work and each brick is impregnated with their energies of sacrifice and renunciation, love and charity, fraternity and union.
This is how this Temple represents to you today, confident of my presence leading you along the path of knowledge, transformation and work. It was your sincere dedication that brought you here. No matter how many doubts and shadows you still carry in your soul: here you arrived, fearless and full of faith. You well know what a long way you still have to go, until, finally, you free yourselves from the incarnate cycles of suffering.
It is by means of perseverance that you will reach the final goal. It doesn't matter if you fall, since you get up again. You can't build a house in a short time. It is necessary to gather the materials, plan, until the work is completed. So, you are the builders of your destiny. The knowledge you acquired in the studies carried out on the etheric plane and in this incarnation on the physical plane, expanded your consciousness and impelled your spirit to evolve.
Do not give up the way. From the battles and suffering, you cannot escape. As backward souls, you have a lot to adjust with Divine Accounting. However, having minds freed from imprisoning atavisms, hearts full of goodness, profound knowledge within the limitation of your intellect, you must keep the flame of the will lit and strong toward the redemptive path.
The Spiritist House is a lighthouse illuminating the darkness of the suffering and lost ones looking for a safe way. And, you are the Spiritist House. You are the hands working in the fulfillment of the daily tasks of the Temple. Each worker is a brick of this House. We know of the difficulties you have to carry out the programmed tasks, but do not let yourselves be discouraged by withdrawals along the way, by the fragility of workers in the face of expiatory tests. Each one brings within itself the necessary strength to face the scheduled tests and to achieve victory.
Your burden is not greater than your strength. Your thinking must be aligned with the God's laws. Everyone makes mistakes and it is through mistakes that success comes.
If you could glimpse the astral plane around you, nothing would matter more than fulfilling the greater determinations and escaping from the apocalyptic turmoil. The Beast struggles sensing its end, and its grimace enhances the strength of its minions throwing their armies over humanity that responds to inferior appeals, provoking human violence, madness and evil.
Pray and watch! Work tirelessly, for so many are called and few are chosen. The effort is greater for one who has adhered to God's plans and remain in the Christ's army. You well know of yours struggles inwardly to keep yourselves in the ranks of the Light's work. And those who do not develop the potential of faith and trust in the God's plans, who do not maintain themselves at high vibrations of discipline and obedience, study and renewal of feelings, emotions and thoughts, will inevitably fall.
May Jesus bless you all!
I leave you under my peace and love!
Master Ramatis
Vigil at the GESJ´s main office – Wesak Festival - 05/15/2022.
Earthly humanity, the evil that afflicts you does not come from outside!
You have sown war, pain and suffering and will have an abundant harvest in exile, after the selection between living and dead, predicted by Jesus. It is the reality that this backward humanity already experiences.
In the current century, in which you live, there should already have a larger tolerance and fraternity among peoples, as well as mutual assistance, bringing development to human collectivities. Borders, prejudices, conflicts, hunger, misery – material and moral – should no longer exist. You should have already advanced in all these fields, not just in technology. If you had reached moral maturity, you could be raised to new dimensions with a lesser degree of suffering and gnashing of teeth. You have chosen the difficult paths you tread.
Children, there is full assistance of Evolved Beings, who remain as divine sentinels, pulsing love and peace to maintain the planetary balance. Beings of Light walk with you, trying to touch your hearts and awaken your minds to see beyond matter. Elevated feelings are within you, awaiting a command from your wills to expand and change your destinies.
It is not God's will, your suffering; it's your choice.
Sublime blessings are poured over the Earth, illuminating the reigning darkness. With our hearts filled with pity and love for you, we beg the Beloved Father for mercy. The density that pours from your hearts forms dense and heavy lumps, bringing planetary instability and on the physical plane, natural catastrophes, multiplying diseases, as means of culture for spreading the evil.
Evil is transitory. Good is perennial, infinite and eternal.
You have difficulty to walk, because of the environment full of the impure thought-forms that you always throw around you. The superior energies that we send earthwards cannot completely clean the planetary environment, because from your hearts and minds, in an uninterrupted way is spilled the gall of your unhealthy feelings.
You shall banish hate with love; war with brotherhood and peace. We expect that have kindness in all hearts able to banish the imbalance you experience in all earthly corners. You live hours of difficulty and of expiatory trials, which represent for you the final trials for souls in transit. At the end of the journey, your spirits may take different directions, according to the vibration you have. Most of the human beings who leave their physical bodies on the cold tombstones - these tormented spirits - are part of the great contingent of exiles.
Storms will not cease, once the definitive transformation of the Earth is imminent. Redouble your faith and trust in God's plans, as you are experiencing the planetary transition.
May the blessings of the Planetary Christ envelop all humanity, thus softening their ferocity.
Master El Morya,
Wesak Festival – Vigil at the GESJ´s main office, 05/15/20222
May the Light of the beloved Master guide the workers offering themselves to be with us, looking for the little ones in the suffering regions!
Through so much renunciation, in many centuries working for others, I was raised to the post of Master of the Universal Great White Fraternity, in fraternal work, helping the humble ones, I won disciples and followers. But the title, for me and for those who work in the name of the Light, represents nothing in the face of the work of love and charity that we must carry out every day.
Under permission of Master Jesus, from the caravan that I started, I rescue suffering souls of children who perish in the human insane wars suffering abjections at the hands of those who should take care of them, innocent beings received in their homes. Although they are highly law-breaking spirits, it will not be destroying the purity, they will be able to overcome the preterit atrocities. It will be in a fraternal and welcoming home, receiving responsibilities and obligations that these souls will be able to follow the straight path of responsibility, love and fraternity. Violence has never been a faithful instructor, because, at the end, resentment, hurt and revolt always remain and later on will erupt into a violent adult, dictator, who will reproduce the same evil he suffered.
The Earth, unfortunately, did not have, throughout its history, very important names, on the physical plane, who supported the Master Jesus ‘guidelines. Men of relevance who received the name of educators always believed that repression and violence would give the best result. Today, they don't realize the result is a weak, fragmented society that commits abuses, as if the positions these men occupy give them the right to impose their ideologies. None of them brings a loving example for themselves, like the passages from Mary of Nazareth, Francis of Assisi, Buddha, Master Kutumi and others who granted good examples in their preterit lives. And the reflection appears today, with a suffering, painful and distressing planetary transition, which shall contribute to a tragic but necessary end, to be imprinted on the souls that manage to absorb the teachings of that moment.
I follow up those under my guard that abandoned the straight path of love, forgiveness and fraternity going to exile. With them I continue the rescue all those souls that have strayed from the path, as every Master does with his disciples, straying sheep. May they be happier in the next world coming and learning from the hard lessons they will have to go through.
I am among you.
Mistress Rowena,
Vigil at GESJ´s main office – Wesak Festival, 05/15/2022
We greet you in the name of God Father, the Uncreated Creator of all things.
We can see crowds of hungry and thirsty people walking aimlessly on the Earth, abandoned like worthless things, and beside them, crowds of ignorant beings immersed in passions and frivolous vices, blinded by temporal and illusory power, pride and selfishness. Dressed on purple, they ignore the pain of others. Forgetting the ephemeral physical body, they beautify it, while their deformed souls become heavier sinking into the mud of the dense planes.
Brothers! Immersed in physical garment, you have been dragging your eternal soul along the illusory path of material happiness. Wealth is not synonymous with happiness. All human powers are transitory; just as material life is ephemeral.
We invite everyone to awaken consciences and, at that moment, give value to what really has value.
Only the sublime goods of the soul can be carried with a free spirit. Take advantage of the blessed opportunity to get rid of weights attached to the eternal soul, which prevent it from climbing higher planes of God's infinite universe. You have been sowing storms throughout existences and, even today, your sowing is only of thorns. The Magnanimous Father, Uncreated Creator of all things and all creatures, Omniscience, Omnipresence, Infinite Love, Divine and Eternal Flame, He created all and everything existent on all planes of life. And you, who are immersed in the planet expiations and trials, only live a tiny cycle of life of eternal soul. Your action has kept you prisoners of this one, which is a first stage in the awakening of the consciousness of the human spark.
Give up the material comfort and extend your charitable, anonymous and loving hands to the suffering crowd in need of material and moral help. Transform your ills into virtues able to reduce the weight of your souls, as the eternal laws made the planetary transformation and selection of the humanity. Your torn and blackened garments prevent you from participating in the banquet of the New Land. Only those free from the worn out clothing, through the transformation from old man into a renewed man able to love and to forgive, who have compassion, fraternity and humility will manage to escape from the expiatory incarnations.
Come on brothers!
The Planetary Christ calls the earthly humanity to a new evolutionary cycle. Resources are at your disposal. You who suffer, resign yourselves, because it is through suffering you will find redemption. You who has health, speed up your steps to help the sick ones. And you, who have a clear mind, spread the messages of hope around you. Join around the elevated lessons of Christ Jesus, so that you can strengthen the forces of Good on Earth. Wake up, brothers, for the hour of planetary and humanity transformation.
May The Planetary Christ bless you!
I am with you.
The luminous rays cut through the space, clarifying some points of the planet, touching the hearts in high harmony of love.
Peace forever!
Master Maytrea,
Wesak Festival – Vigil at the GESJ´s main office, 05/15/2022
Brothers, beloved children of My Father!
I do not inhabit the fictional heaven that you created. I have already inhabited the Earth, like you with a physical body, when I felt pain and my body bled like yours. I suffered human injustices, wounded in body and soul. But children and beloved brothers, pain is necessary.
I can no longer bend a physical body and thread with you on the dusty paths in the matter. Even so, I do not distance myself from you. The wounds on my hands and feet no longer exist, because my love-forgiveness in my soul has expanded and poured into your hearts. I expect you also reach the high vibrations of forgiveness for offenses and love for others, in order to free you from the dark planets of atonement and trials. The Earth, divine framework that shelters your bodies, changes its clothes to elevate itself in the evolutionary scale of the Planet´s beings. Blessed and loving planet that has waited as long as it could for your ascension. However, you continue in ignorance, hurting your friendly body. The Earth is so wounded that if it does not undress her torn and old clothes, it may perish. The Earth wants to live and evolve to receive in its blessed body, those who soften their souls while fulfilling the God´s Laws.
Beloved brothers, the insane rebellion has kept you tied to darkness. Let yourself be guided by My love and to reach the ethereal dimensions of peace. I am the Light guiding you through the apocalyptic darkness. Come to Me, who love you and, in the name of the Beloved Father and the Planetary Christ, I guide you to the Renewed Land. Your cross, you must carry it to reach redemption.
The Planetary Christ pours his light of blessings over all of you, friend and sister of humanity.
I leave you my love and I follow you.
Do not rebel anymore!
The Father´s Laws represent life and you must submit to them.
Master Jesus,
Wesak Festival – Vigil at GESJ´s main office, 05/15/2022
May Peace and goodness be among men on Earth!
Brazilian men and women who believe in Brazil as the heart of the world and homeland of the Gospel and in God's Plans, will be worthy of inhabiting the New Land.
Many People imagine that the New Land will be born instantly, in a new dimension and that the miracle will occur simply by God´s Will. Certainly, where there is life, the Father´s will takes place. However, it is through the soul’s efforts on the way to evolution, the worlds are perfected and inhabited. The Earth of the future is already in formation and so much of its constitution comes from souls that have already reached the high vibratory levels and in their minds, wish a renewed planet. It also comes from those who have already awakened their consciousness and struggle bravely to expand the internal Light and, externally, fulfill the God´s Laws looking for higher dimensions. And so, my brothers, the beloved Father allows his children, in all stages they are, activating the evolutionary devices of the soul and to participate in the evolution of the worlds.
Any particle of Light emanating from a living being is used by the Creator to build his infinite work.
Brazil is hope for Planet Earth, despite the quagmire in which its society is immersed. The promised Brazil is built by those who fight in harmony with the Divine Hosts for the installation of peace and goodness in the human hearts. Bear in mind, beloved children of mine, that we are all co-participants in evolution. If we practice the Good, we help in constructing the Light that reverberates through space; if we vibrate in the lower bands, we contribute for formation of regions of painful purges, infernal pools that fatally attract us.
Even today, renew in yourselves the wish to adhere to the Divine Light that shines over all Creation. The Brazil´s barns remain full of hope to be distributed among humanity. It will not be without battles that the barns will remain full to satisfy the hunger of those who arrive here in times of storm. May faith be the flag to you carry in the valley of pain. The Planetary Christ pours out his blessings over the entire humanity.
May Jesus bless the efforts of those who wish to evolve.
Blessed is the Light guiding us!
Blessed is Jesus!
Ishmael, Guiding Angel of Brazil
Wesak Festival – Vigil at the GESJ´s main office, 05/15/2022
The Servants of Jesus City is the Light of our hearts and hope of landing for all those who work in the friendly help organized by this House, in the celebration of the Wesak festival.
This place of Light has already its name written on the mountain, since you follow, faithfully, the request of Master Ramatis, when you are asked for some work or when you are invited for a planetary cleansing battle. Do not believe that it is just to go there and fight.
Your names are also being illuminated by the Earth's history. It has no fame, no altar and no title, but know that the medal you receive in your chest in each summon answered is a step forward on the difficult road you still have to thread, not only in this incarnation, but in the next ones too. This incarnation is just a step, being the most important, because in it you humbly decided to accept the reception of Master Ramatis.
Even in this House, many beings had the opportunity to free themselves, through work and renunciation looking for better lives. Your lives in matter are not yet over, but if you persevere until the end, you will know that much you overcome, many tears have been wiped away, many pains have been eased and many wounds have been healed, for when you extend your hands to a sufferer, they are your hands that are clean. When you hear someone's anguish, whether on the physical plane, walking along the various roads you follow on Earth, or at a work table, it is your sorrows planted in the past that are being erased.
The Master Jesus´ vineyard is huge with several places you can work. There is a room for everyone who wants to work. If you don't have the skills to deal with sick adults, plant flowers; if you cannot plant flowers, work on cleaning; if you cannot dedicate yourself on cleaning, offer you for friendly advice or encouragement at the bedside of a sick person. Don't limit your opportunities to just what you would like to do, but expand to everything that needs to be done. The Vineyard is huge, and you, who are there willingly, are recognized by your instructors and Masters.
Welcome those who are invited to the Lord's Supper!
I am with you!
Chico Xavier,
Wesak Festival – Vigil at GESJ´s main office, 05/15/2022
Clairvoyance: I could see projections of the Masters, who lowered their vibrations when came down from the sacred mountain, followed by monks and disciples penetrating a detour that was not seen by anyone towards the Abyss and then spread out. Everyone knew where to go, towards the bottoms of the Abyss to remove their disciples. These were there to prepare themselves for the next incarnations, in the same way that Master Ramatis did with us. The Light of Master Jesus created a corridor of Light that made it possible to remove from that place, disciples who already resembled local stones, so stuck were to the caves walls. They all were removed and taken to the spaceships and then to exile.
Several Wesak Festivals were shown and, at each one, the Light of the Master Jesus penetrated deeper and deeper into the Abyss, in direction to the Beast. On this path of Light, gradually, the spirits were rescued.
When we reach the Beast, there will be no other spirits to be rescued but itself, and then, the Earth will be cleaned.
The message follows:
From Universe echoes the tender voice in the fraternal invitation of Master Jesus.
To all those who suffer, we expect they have hope; to everyone who feels wronged, do not give up the path of Light; to all the rejected ones, be sure that the love of Master Jesus welcomes them in His heart.
No matter the titles nor names, because the name of Master Jesus is the greatest on Planet Earth. To Him Magnanimous Spirit, we kneel down. Every cell or particle that makes up and sustains this loving planet is a vibrant piece of its energy. We take the occasion, when at each Festival of Wesak, the Light of the Master becomes stronger penetrating all the planes and sub-planes of the Planet Earth, until it reaches the deepest abyss that your minds could even imagine. And at each moment of this great event, Master Jesus penetrates the abysses, gaps and caves removing the suffering ones and offering them hope of a new life, without slavery, humiliation nor violence, where their laments will be heard, the true justice will be done and new opportunities given in the rescue.
He won the world, and everyone on Planet Earth can also overcome the illusory world of the matter and of forms. Freedom is within everyone's reach, the new future, without chains, without masters or iniquities. Workers tirelessly thread all planetary quadrants collecting the rejected ones of various battles, where are discarded by the victorious ones. We rescued millenary of suffering souls from the abject basements. And all of you who listen to me, who believe in the Master's truth, you are invited to participate in the great earthly cleansing, because, in the past, we did it for you and now we invite you to do it for those who cry looking for freedom. Each Master here on the Sacred Mountain has the mission of rescuing his disciples, since some have strayed from the path, now sustaining themselves by revenge and hatred. Pride prevents them from seeing the Light, but it is for short time. Near is the end of the time requested by Master Jesus for humanity to choose which side to follow. No more will another opportunity be given, once it would increase the suffering of those who stand at the right hand of Christ.
Although many beings could respond to his fraternal invitation, it would be unfair to postpone the time for the selfless beings working in caves, digging holes, fighting against teratological beings, or undoing thought-forms seeking to save the planet. Therefore, it is by Divine Justice this time ends, so that the Earth can also free itself from atonement and trials, and then enter a superior energy in its astral environment to receive a humanity, not perfect, but more harmonious and in line with the superior Light illuminating the Planet.
It is not because all of you live today on a backward planet, that the Master's Light will no longer radiate strong and pulsating in all quadrants.
We all remain until the end of this Wesak Festival on Earth: Masters, instructors and earthly friends. We will take advantage of this intense moment of Light to go down to the Abyss and to remove our dear ones trapped in the various stages of cleaning on Earth. They were small planetary transitions that opened gaps where some beings are still stuck.
Melchizedek is among you, following the steps of the Planetary Christ on Planet Earth of Master Jesus.
Blessed is the Divine Light!
Melchizedek, Wesak Festival
Vigil at GESJ´s main office, 05/15/2022
Blessed is THE Light of the World!
Blessed is the Major Love!
As Mother, I took care, loved and educated my children. With a humble spirit, I patiently followed the instructions of those who guided me in the noble task of leading the sublime soul that would be born from my womb. On that time, obediently, I also followed the norms of the prevailing society. I was obedient to those who expected from me, a mother and a woman in that time. I brought in my womb and in my soul, compassion for the suffering ones, and I was not prepared to see the son of my heart go through such atrocious suffering. Looking at the cross, I didn't see the beloved Master, but the little boy, the child I held in my arms, the one who always welcomed me with the purest smile. The responsible and silent young man who, obediently, helped his father and man who fearless faced the most powerful leaders, in order to offer to the destitute and segregated beings, hope of Light; to the sick ones, healing of the soul, and to the bloodthirsty, forgiveness and not the imprisonment of eternal punishment.
Today, on this sunny day, as mother, I listened to the plea of another mother, mother of a judge of the Sanhedrin so that I could help her son who would go to exile without hearing words of hope. In my arms, I welcomed him. Not my son's executioner, but a suffering soul lost amidst of power and opulence feeding vanity and pride. And now, as a humble woman praying, I guide a brother to prepare himself for a new beginning under the Light of the Beloved Master to sustain him in the hardest tests that may come.
Mothers, your prayers can light up the world, as portals of Light that comfort and guide.
Blessed is the Beloved Master´s Light!
Blessed is His Divine Love!
Mary of Nazareth.
Vesak Festival – Vigil at the GESJ´s main office, 05/15/2022
Beloved children of my heart!
In the humble manger, I received in my arms my beloved son, the sublime Angel who came down to Earth bringing to the humanity, the greatest example of humility, compassion and infinite love. The lessons He left you are the sure itinerary to liberate the soul. His example and sacrifice left deep marks on the planet in order to touch hearts and awaken consciences.
Children, the modern society is morally bankrupt, as it neglects and even despises liberating lessons. We closely follow up the current human dramas.
Bodies generated in a programmed way so that rebellious and suffering souls could to remake the journey in learning about physical life, they are slaughtered still in intrauterine life by their mothers. Children abandoned and abused. Young people end up demented by the deforming vices of the soul. Men and women, healthy in body but with sick minds by pride and selfishness, indifferent to life. Parents who refuse responsibility for their children. Women overloaded with tasks, oblivious to their blood ties.
Brothers! The chaos you have created generates more pain and suffering for you. Prisoners of passions, you do not allow yourself freedom, in the expansion of the inner Light dwelling in all creatures. Full with compassion, our hearts overflow with pity for your ignorance.
Children of mine, take up your crosses today and follow up the footsteps of the Divine Master Jesus, for only He is the Way, Truth and Life able to free the in debtor soul from darkness to Light of redemption. Love and forgive, be meek and humble, as He taught us. You lack nothing of the necessary tools to you escape from the quagmire and moral delay for the victorious redemption of the soul. Time is over for the Land of atonement and trials for this rebellious humanity. Free yourselves, in the practice of love, united to the army of Jesus, who marches fearlessly, illuminating the darkness of the planet. We walk with you, helping in the transformation of your beings.
Come to us! May Jesus bless you!
Mary of Nazareth.
The message continues:
The bodies generated by women on Earth are not randomly generated. Everything in Creation occurs in harmony and elevation. There is a sublime plan for the redemption of all incarnated human beings. Mothers are the symbols of life. Do not deny your sublime condition as a woman.
Peace and love,
Mary of Nazareth
Wesak Festival – Vigil at the GESJ´s main office – 05/15/2022
Address for correspondence and meetings:
Rua Hermes Curry Carneiro nº 555, Bairro Monte Belo, Vitória/ES CEP: 29.053-221
Doctrinal meetings: on Tuesdays, 2 - 3 pm and on Thursdays, 7:30 - 9 pm.
Also contact us by e-mail at
For those who ask for guidance, in order to collaborate with us, start by taking copies of our messages and divulging them to other people, as well as forwarding them by email, sending them through messenger applications (such as WhatsApp) and publishing them on their social networks.
Read our works (all in PDF format on our website):
- Petals of Light!
- Intraterrestrial Civilizations
- The Extraterrestrials and Us – Vol. I, II and III
- Intraterrestrial Cities - The Awakening of Humanity
- Commander Satan Shamar –Vice of the Ashtar Command
- From Darkness to Light - Infernal Cities
- In the Name of Christ, We Are Here Again
- The Fallen Beings and their Earthly Trajectory – Vol. I, II and III
- Supplicant Hands for Help - Behind the visible and invisible backstage
in prisons
- Messages from Master Jesus
- Messages from Allan Kardec and Helena Blavatsky
- Commander Yuri
- The Intraterrestrial Beings – Planetary Rescue Mission – News from Cel.Fawcett
- The Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombs
- Messages from Master Ramatis
- Messages from Chico Xavier and Emmanuel
- The Beast
- The Reptilians
- Ashtar Sheran or Archangel Michael
- Seeds in the Wind
- Messages from Maria de Nazareth, Joana de Angelis and Sister Dulce
- Messages from Our Indian Brothers
- Messages from Our Black Brothers
- Nostradamus
- John Baptist
- Planetary Transition in Progress